If you think you are suffering from depression, then I welcome you to contact me for help.

Depression is a term used to describe feelings of prolonged sadness that last longer than two weeks. 

While everyone will experience sadness or low mood at some point in their lives, some people experience these feelings intensely, for long periods of time and often without reason.

Depression can affect people differently but common symptoms include:

  • Feeling consistently sad, down, depressed or empty.
  • Reduced pleasure in activities that you used to enjoy or lack of interest in most things.
  • Increased or reduced appetite.
  • Changes in sleeping patterns, suddenly finding you are wanting to sleep all the time or alternatively finding it difficult to get to sleep or stay asleep.
  • Feeling tired and without energy.
  • Poor concentration or memory.
  • Withdrawing from friends and family or being overly dependent on them.
  • Increase use of alcohol or other drugs.
  • Feeling physically sick.
  • Feeling hopeless or empty.
  • Having thoughts that you might be better off dead or thinking about hurting yourself.

If you have experienced 5 of these symptoms, which include low mood or loss of pleasure or interest, and they are present on most days for the past 2 weeks, then it is possible that you are clinically depressed. It is important you seek help from a doctor or counsellor and get treatment. There are many treatments available for depression so it is important to speak to a mental health care professional to see what is right for you.

I have many years experience working with clients suffering from depression and have had many heart warming success stories. If you would like to talk to someone about how to beat depression then I welcome you to get in touch.

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